Friday, February 29, 2008

Read: Dick B.'s new book, "Dr. Bob of Alcoholics Anonymous," is now in print!

2-29-08 Leap Day ~ Gracias Brother Burns ~ I appreciate the great contributions of both Dr. Bob and Brother Bill Wilson. My study and research has revealed to me who among the two was the most faithful and consistent in practicing the 12-Steps in all their affairs.

Fanatic AAers must come to see that Brother Bill was no saint by any measure of faith, though in his own way he was a true genius of his times. Clearly the Lord was working through his life, despite his drawbacks.
On the other hand, Dr. Bob was a true disciplined Christian throughout his life and was one of the great advanced humble ones. So I am glad to know that you have been hard at work!
It just irritates me when some AAers can quote Bill Wislon verbatim, yet know little or nothing of the Great Physician Jesus Christ!
Blessings and Prayers, Brother Peter S. Lopez
Sacramento, California. USA

Dick Burns <> wrote:
Dear History Fellowship members:
We are delighted to tell you that the first of the four-volume Dr. Bob series books has gone to the printer and is now available for purchase for $24.95, plus Shipping and Handling.
You may order it from our A. A. History Bookstore:
If you have any difficulty with ordering, please contact me personally by email or by telephone or by regular mail.

This book is a Print-On-Demand (POD) book; and, once your order is processed through the bookstore, the new book or books will come to you direct from "Lulu" (the POD printing company).
As you know by now, this new book describes in detail, and in over 325 pages, the story of Dr. Bob's youth, his "excellent training" in the Good Book in St. Johnsbury, and how that training was translated into the original A.A. program.
As and when we receive the funding from benefactors, all of the matters discussed in the book will be a part of the contents of the Dr. Bob core library at North Congregational Church, St. Johnsbury. Your sending a contribution to me to help fund the furnishing of the contents of this new library will be deeply appreciated.
God bless.
Dick B.
Richard G. Burns (Dick B.)
Post Office Box 837
Kihei, Maui, HI 96753-0837
(808) 874-4876

Got the new book?
The Conversion of Bill W.:

Have you seen our new web site? Dr. Bob and Alcoholics Anonymous:


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