Venceremos! We Will Win!
Sacramento, California
Email: peter.lopez51@yahoo.com
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F.Kennedy ~ c/s
Venceremos! We Will Win!
Sacramento, California
Email: peter.lopez51@yahoo.com
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F.Kennedy ~ c/s
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From: Peta_de_Aztlan <peta.aztlan@gmail.com>
To: peter.lopez51@yahoo.com
Sent: Sun, January 30, 2011 8:15:38 AM
Subject: [@Peta_de_Aztlan Blog] 1-29-2011 Sabbath Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan #Eg...
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Twitter Link~ http://twitter.com/Peta_de_Aztlan
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~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/
Posted By Peta_de_Aztlan to @Peta_de_Aztlan Blog at 1/29/2011 11:29:00 PM
From: Peta_de_Aztlan <peta.aztlan@gmail.com>
To: peter.lopez51@yahoo.com
Sent: Sun, January 30, 2011 8:15:38 AM
Subject: [@Peta_de_Aztlan Blog] 1-29-2011 Sabbath Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan #Eg...
1-29-2011 Sabbath Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan #Egypt #Jan25
http://twitter.com/#!/Peta_de_Aztlan ~Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan
Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
Spiritual Humane Being who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Help Others! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Pray for our Family in Egypt! ~Namaste, Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan #Jan25
Power in Egypt to the People of Egypt! Stay Alert, Stay Alive! #Mubarak Must Go! ~ http://flic.kr/p/9eacMB #Egypt #Liberation #Jan25
@aglb66 Globally Same shitty Old World Order ~they just got new outfit ~same kind of dinosaurs fearing eventual extinction!
VIDEO: #Egypt Army intervenes to protect protesters from police~ http://bit.ly/dVYdah ~VIA @petequily #Jan25
VIA @monaeltahawy: Updated my blog w my work over the past week in print, on radio and TV http://www.monaeltahawy.com/blog/ #Jan25
RT @monaeltahawy: RT RamyRaoof urgent eye-witness several cars leaving now Ministry Interior #Cairo & shooting fire on demonstrators. #Egypt
Julian #Assange: 'How do you attack an organisation? You attack its leadership'~ http://bit.ly/eMgfjz
Matrix Concept: Co-ordinated strike action: a tsunami of resistance Trade Union Congress~: http://bit.ly/fVhneo
Notice that Egyptian people in residential areas of Cario are not members of Guns for Fun Club like here in USA. #Cairo
RT @JPBarlow: I believe there is natural Right to Know all one can about what is going on in his or her world. Turn on the Net, #Egypt
01/29/11-by Bridgette P. LaVictoire ~THE "TSUNAMI" CONTINUES TO ROIL ACROSS THE ARAB WORLD http://bit.ly/dL9Q00
#egypt prison of 1000 stormed by ppl trying 2 free prisoners, high rankng prisonguard killed #jan25 (via phone)
People protesting for Egypt in NYC infront of UN http://fb.me/RqUu3JQQ #jan25
RT @Ssirgany: RT @Elazul I tweeted area by area update of situation in Egypt (security wise) compiled here : http://ca7.com/Zkn #Jan25
Does #Pharoah #Mubarak gotta wait until his Welfare Check comes on 1st of February to Move Out?! ...No, figure he gots stash.
4 AM in #Cairo #Egypt 9 PM in #California ~All in the time of now. Sleeping there or not. Awakening here or not. All Family.
@SHDW_of_LMNTS Iron sharpens iron ~Light creates light ~Love makes love ~Energy energises energy #Jan25 #MiddleEastTsunami
Can you feel subtle shifts in balance of ~forces ~powers ~energies in the world today/tonight? #Tunisia #Jan25 #Egypt #???
RT @thenation: "This is not Mubarak's Egypt anymore, and it will never be again": reporting from Egyptian revolution: http://bit.ly/dSwVbM
VIDEO 1:25 #Egypt: A Nation Forced Offline (January 25th, 2011 Protests) http://bit.ly/fSrhNy #Jan25
Muslim Brotherhood chanting Allah Akbar. Crowd stopped them chanting louder: Muslim, Christian, we're all Egyptian #Egypt
A tsunami of tidal waves for democracy and liberation is rising across Middle East! http://bit.ly/g3DwqA #Jan25
@SoCoLaura It's life. Sometimes it comes together, falls apart, come together, fall apart, comes together! #Palestine
Is Qaddafi Next? New #WikiLeaks cable threatens to stir unrest in #Libya: http://bit.ly/ge6xMz #Tunisia #Egypt #Jan25
Blessing to All on Twitter who HELP to Spread Truth and Encourage the Empowerment of People of #Egypt #Jordan #Syria #Libya
RT @wikileaks: Is Qaddafi the next to go? http://is.gd/yL07ae
VIA @nprnews: A Primer On Following Egyptian Protests On Twitter | http://t.co/zRT56AM ~Suggest Following!
Music VIDEO 3:44 ~Sting - Whenever I Say Your Name ft. Mary J. Blige: http://bit.ly/fMD9xJ
My blues sister @MaryJBlige took a #Funk classic & gave us a message inherent w/ #Hope & #Love. LISTEN: http://ow.ly/3KEqg
Where there is no death, there is no life.
I give tribute to the incredible courage of my precious Egyptian bros & sis calling for an end to the ugly US backed tyranny of Mubarak.
And as a follower of #MLK, I say to all pharaohs, "let my people go!"
Shame on Pres. Obama & Sec. Clinton for their centrist rhetoric when we all should be extremist for #LOVE & #JUSTICE!
@monaeltahawy Long live the dignity & decency of my Egyptian brothers & sisters in their quest for a democratic Egypt!
To my dear sister @MonaEltahawy, God be with you in your magnificent eloquence in the midst of this historic crisis.
Matrix Concept: Concentration on the Coordination of Communication
Questions to Answer for Plan of Action: 5W Formula= Who? What? When? Where? Why?
VIDEO @monaeltahawy &-surprise-Fran Townsend: #Egypt's History of Complicity with US Rendition: http://youtu.be/Y62tcoy7Q7Q #Jan25
VIA @wikileaks: Cable: "Presidential succession in Egypt" http://bit.ly/gxZC8C
RT @monaeltahawy: One CNN appearance today http://bit.ly/g5RzbA and another http://bit.ly/hsX9fd on #Egypt's uprising. #Jan25
Here's that clip where @monaeltahawy gets Franny Fragos Townsend to admit we render to torture in Egypt. http://fdl.me/f7Osj0
@monaeltahawy SunNight ~Right On Sister Mona! Saw you on CNN. You gave me a HEADS UP! Beautiful Energy and Keen Intelligence!
@aglb66 Revolutions involving transformation of property relations between 'haves' and 'have-nots' are planned. #Egypt #USA
NEWS Al Jazeera English: Live Stream ~Watch the broadcast here: http://english.aljazeera.net/watch_now/
1/29/2011 3:26pm #Egypt Internet, social media users find some relief, Cairo blogger says @waelabbas: http://lat.ms/eouanC
There are key lessons to be learned from the uprising in #Egypt with applications for all social liberation movements, #USA
RT @wikileaks: "Omar Soliman keeps the domestic beasts at bay, and Mubarak is not one to lose sleep over his tactics." http://is.gd/nnC02g
#Science: Scientists Find the Tiny 24-Hour Clock in Every Living Thing: http://fxn.ws/fnBE46 ~VIA @heidiko44
what is the army's role in the revolution? they should be defending their people and fighting for their freedom #jan25 #egypt
3 AM in Caiso, Egypt ~ 5 PM in California ~Just got up from a cat naps. Watching CNN on Crisis in #Egypt. Prison break?
4/30/2008 ~Profile: Omar Suleiman ~key broker talks between Israe-Palestinians > http://bit.ly/epwFKi
Omar Suleiman, #Cairo's New Spymaster-in-Chief by John Barry~ http://bit.ly/dJM3fh
1/29/2011 ~Suleiman selection reassures Western allies By Clayton Swisher~ http://bit.ly/dMYaXW ~VIA @mohamed #Egypt
RT @gemswinc: There have been six assassination attempts on Murabak over the years & he is worth ~ 25billion£
LINK: World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2011 > http://bit.ly/fqQ9dp
RT @wikileaks: Assange full extradition case will start Tues Feb 7 Belmarsh Magistrates Court http://is.gd/FQpWLh
@Raul_Ramos Gracias Carnal. We will get to know each other better in the future. Keep on inspiriing all of us! ~Che Peta
Wed Jan 26, 2011 ~Noam Chomsky lectures on nation's problems: http://bit.ly/hFRl9A
2:02 PM/PST ~Time for afternoon prayer and short siesta for this ancient brujo. Be good all. @Peta_de_Aztlan
In Egypt, protesters and soldiers declare: The army and the people are one http://bit.ly/efcyhg
Aluf Benn / Without Egypt, Israel will be left with no friends in the Middle East http://bit.ly/eLnNAu
RT @Raul_Ramos: Catch rerun of my WYSO Book Nook radio interview 11am ET Sun. 1-30. Listen online: http://tinyurl.com/46qswlr #books #latism
@ishtarmuz Then there is nothing quite like a Remington shotgun slung over my shoulder under my trench coat!
@ishtarmuz I trust in the Creator of the Cosmos ~my own intuition ~and some Earthlings with complete trust, not many.
Fall of #Mubarak Govt could set off tsunami ~topple other governments ~rearrange balance of powers in Middle East: http://lat.ms/geyx5r
LA Times: #Egypt crisis puts Obama to the test ~biggest foreign policy challenge to date: http://lat.ms/geyx5r
@gizm0bill Cool. How are the people there looking at Egypt? Do they know about what is going on or care there?
Hell, #Cario at night now seems like a lot of inner city ghettos and barrios inside the United States. Homegrown #thugs!
People of Egypt! Use this dial-up provided by friends in France 2 go online: +33172890150 (login 'toto' password 'toto') #egypt #jan25
Egyptian activists create an autonomous Internet, not routed through Egypt's network: http://bit.ly/dWyLqk Some serious hacking!
@gizm0bill There are more ways than one to butcher a pig! Our great collective limitation is actually our own imagination!
Sick perverted patriots who boast of Amerikan 'exceptionalism' disgust me. Amerikan Nationalism is inherently reactionary.
On the side ~ Watching TV ~CNN EGYPT IN CHAOS ~some good coverage ~Yes, CNN is a big corporate news media network. Choices?
@gizm0bill To profess to be non-political and not into politics is itself a form of politics. Politics should serve our needs.
@gizm0bill All these historical experiences offer us fresh lessons, new ways of defining connected reallity of politics.
@gizm0bill Yes, traditional politics is how gangsters keep themselves 'in power and in control'. We need People's Politics!
Activist Social Networks extend beyond the Internet ~Internet is tool, not the Social Network itself: http://lat.ms/f6kflD
Egyptian government cut off nearly all online services between midnight and 12:30 a.m., Egyptian time, on Friday, http://lat.ms/f6kflD
RT @wikileaks: Yes, we may have helped Tunisia, Egypt. But let us not forget the elephant in the room: Al Jazeera + sat dishes
Good Wife! RT @bencnn: My wonderful wife has handed out baseball bats, clubs, kitchen knives and tea to neighbourhood patrol.
@gizm0bill There will still be need for administartive apparatus ~humanity has far to evolve if we do not self-destruct before.
VIA LA Times @latimestech ~1/29/2011 #Egypt may have turned off the Internet one phone call at a time: http://lat.ms/f6kflD
#Egyptians in #Cairo are getting a crash course in self-policing via local militias ~form of self-government http://bit.ly/VGnK
@XtyMiller I have found no matter what good we do that some foul folks will still talk shit and do judgmental inventories.
Masses know that #Egypt requires a fundamental transformation of state power, not surface re-shuffling of positions. #Jan25
@SultanAlQassemi Yes, I quit Following @AlArabiya_Eng ~ Following @AJEnglish and few others, including you. ~In California
Masses demand that #Mubarak resign, demand court martials for offenders. POTUS Obama should telll #Mubarak to stand down!!!
@mssarahbellum Believe Social Networking websites provide mass pressure release valves for mass discontent ~shared concerns.
@ishtarmuz Know when I walk around these streets around here in Downtown Sacramento I am always armed, just in case!
RT @wikileaks: WikiLeaks news update http://wlcentral.org/
RT @wikileaks: The New York Times vs. WikiLeaks http://wlcentral.org/node/1126
All of us inside the USA should appreciate our blessings, exercise our humane rights and encourage conversations with others.
11:52 AM ~PST ~Think it is almost 11 PM at Night in Cairo. Fascinating to observe it from afar thousands of miles away safe.
It should be all about the people. People's Militias ~ People's Army ~ People's Government ~ People's World #Egypt #Jan25
Military calling on Egyptians to protect their own properties from looting ~ http://english.aljazeera.net/watch_now/ ~People's Militias!
PIC: Protesters take cover from volleys of rubber bullets fired by police on Mohamed Mahmoud St. #Cairo #Egypt http://yfrog.com/gz954ndj
PIC: A protester seeks cover during back-and-forth clashes w/ police near Tharir Square. http://yfrog.com/h0hrfrij #Egypt #jan25
Standing on top of an army tank, a demonstrator rallies the crowd to move against police. http://yfrog.com/gzba7ogj #Egypt #Cairo
PIC: The scene on a street off of Tharir Sq. after some 12 hours of sporadic clashes: http://yfrog.com/hsid2ufj #Egypt #jan25 #Cairo
People need to establish armed local militias to protect the homes of people in local communities now. #Egypt #America
@SultanAlQassemi #Mubarak looks like an Evil Killer ~Look at his eyes! ~POTUS Obama has a flashy smile when he has others kill.
@AI_808 ~INSPIRE 1 a : to influence, move, or guide by divine or supernatural inspiration #inspire #energy
That's heavy ~RT @SHDW_of_LMNTS: If these words can reach you - imagine what love can do
VIA LA Times~#Mubarak names party insider Omar Suleiman as new vice president of #Egypt: http://lat.ms/f2ilAi
#EGYPT: Eight prisoners die in escape attempt amid Cairo unrest~January 29, 2011~ http://lat.ms/ee270B
RT @AJEnglish: Mohamed ElBaradei calls for #Mubarak to step down today. Watch live: http://aje.me/ajelive #Egypt #25Jan #suleiman
RT @AJELive: To the security forces: your role is to protect Egypt & the people, take the side of the people, not the tyrants #ElBaradei
"Democracy is a great idea. Too bad it plays almost no role in U.S. foreign policy. " Fear Extreme Islamists?... http://ow.ly/3Mx4Y #p2
RT @SultanAlQassemi: Al Arabiya; official total number of deaths in two days is 62. (of course it's much higher than that)
RT @SultanAlQassemi: El Baradei "The Egyptian State is collapsing. President Mubarak is refusing to listen to the people"
RT @SultanAlQassemi: El Baradei "The Egyptian people will remember who stood by them & who stood by the regime when it falls"
"People will demonstrate, they will not go home until justice is restored and democracy is gained"- #ElBaradei http://aje.me/ajelive #egypt
@Le_DeesseJaana POTUS Obama is a spin master at spinning attention away from his Achilles heel in Aghanisnam!
1/29/2011~8:25 AM #EGYPT: Opposition figure Mohamed #ElBaradei accuses U.S. of dropping the ball: http://lat.ms/fRWFH4 #Jan25
RT @SultanAlQassemi: El Baradei The Egyptian State is collapsing. President Mubarak is refusing to listen to the people"
The Facebook Setting You Should Change as Quickly as Possible http://t.co/CK9t03k via @gawker
Land Has Breath: Respecting Nature in Altai http://is.gd/LcL0K8
@monaeltahawy @cynthiashearer: Suleiman ran the renditions for the CIA. Sources: Jane Mayer book and Stephen Grey "Ghostplane" book.
RT @monaeltahawy: Brave #Egyptian revolutionaries are not looting. #Mubarak regime thugs are looting. Regime desperate as it crumbles #Jan25
YOUR US Government has been subsidizing Dictator #Mubarak and buying off his loyalty for decades! Decades people! Decades!
Those who are confused as to why we have government should go back to school and take a civics class, plus a geography class!
Remember that true governments are meant to be for the people, by the people and of the people, not for corporate interests.
Let us pray that we all support the people's mass liberation movements #worldwide for social peace, justice and democracy!
Let us pray for common respect, humane love and mutual support among the Egyptian people and here in USA among Americans.
@TheGameOfLife POTUS Obama will throw #Mubarak under bus without second thought, yet Obama is drone master in real world!
@TheGameOfLife Being US Citizen here I am merely pointing out interconnections. What is US Govt role now? #Egypt #Mubarak
In connected reality all these global conditions and social situations are interconnected ~raise consciousness ~make connections #Jan25
RT @SultanAlQassemi: Museum http://yfrog.com/h25y0iij http://yfrog.com/hsu6aezj http://yfrog.com/h0arrqj http://yfrog.com/h8ijfrj ...
RT @SultanAlQassemi: Egyptian security enters the Egypt Museum with weapons to protect it http://yfrog.com/h37dfxuj
@TheGameOfLife US Govt is spending billions on insane wars in the Middle East ~has subsidized #Egypt Dic #Mubarak for decades
Amerika! Open your eyes ~Look at #Egypt ~See dictatorship of Two-Party system ~Amerikan Empire expanding us into great debt!
Amerika! Look at arrogant POTUS Obama still chasing ghosts in Middle East ~looting natural resources that belong to its people!
Amerika: Look at your own poor homeless people in the streets who have been abandoned for decades by US Govt & Middle-Class!
From afar, are unemployed lumpen-proletariat ~criminal elements ~domestic refugees ~decades forgotten ~taking advantage in #Cairo?
RT @sharifkouddous: Wow. It's so quiet in Zamalek I can hear the crowd chanting across the river in Tahrir. #Egypt
RT @bencnn: residential areas Cairo people setting up barricades protect their streets. Wielding clubs, knives fearing looters. #Egypt
RT @bencnn: Cairo in tumult Tahrir demands Mubarak go. Gun battles Interior Ministry Other areas, chaos, looting, criminals on loose #Jan25
RT @bencnn: Police no longer functioning as law enforcement force. Army doing little to actually enforce order. #Jan25 #Egypt
#Twitter on #Egypt Follow: @AJEnglish @sharifkouddous @SultanAlQassemi @AlArabiya_Eng @DailyNewsEgypt @bencnn @AymanM @ElBaradei
#egypt reports from Ministry of Interior that protesters are trying to storm and takeover building #jan25 (via phone)
8 prisoners killed in prison outside of Cairo after clashes w police according to Min. of Interior source #egypt #jan25 (via phone)
We shall continue to exercise our right of peaceful demonstration and restore our freedom & dignity.Regime violence will backfire badly
BBC Arabic guest, @ElBaradei ally : The protesters are chanting "The People Want an End to the Regime" not for it to change its colours.
@marinildac @eavesdropann Yes Al Jazeera & Al Arabiya are competing channels. Al Arabiya is pro Saudi
Hear ~ Watch Live Stream on #Egypt via Al Jazeera HERE > http://english.aljazeera.net/watch_now/
@dfAvefenix I hope all people see the true Power of the People when they Unite Together for dramatic change now! #Egypt
@cr4321 But I am not Egyptian ~merely a supporter safe from afar ~pondering how to wake up Amerikan sheep here in USA!
@cr4321 Yes, Egyptian people have a strong sense of common sense ~Stop Looting from Museum, but looting from retailers is healthy.
@Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: 1-28-2010-Friday #Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan Saved Tweets!: http://bit.ly/hnkm0t ~
@starZship Inner Peace ~Life Mission~Central Purpose~Pure Love~Self-Esteem~Discipline~Direction...
@cr4321 Before recent days people of #Egypt seemed real obedient, passive and apathetic ~like Amerikans now! ~We will see!
@MarilynSchlitz I am not hiding! ~ Contact Info= http://www.facebook.com/Peta51 ~Email: peta.aztlan@gmail.com ~@Peta_de_Aztlan
@MarilynSchlitz You are absolutely correct. ~Final definitions of anything evolving are inherently defective.
VIA CBC News: #Cairo police fire on crowd #Egypt protesters defy curfew as military watches: http://bit.ly/h5L6lW
Image:1-25-2011~Masses inTahrir-Square-Cairo-#Egypt: http://bit.ly/f9Th2I
@cr4321 This is only a few days into an intense liberating period, #Mubarak needs to Exit #Egypt now. Some have already died..
@cr4321 Be realistic ~there has been No Overthrow yet ~so far in the main it is a Peaceful Revolutionary Movement in #Egypt.
NEWS LINK: Egypt Daily ~ http://egyptdaily.com/
RT @BrnEyeSuss: Once again, I would like to point out, Egyptians are over throwing their Government WITHOUT guns #p2
#Egypt Awesome Images! Thousands of masses of people calling for resignation of Mubarak ~Fear shattered ~ http://bit.ly/VGnK
All poor repressed people of Earth have a stake in the Liberating Example emanating from #Egypt against Mubarak Regime. #Jan25
We need a global matrix of social networks online and on the streets in balanced coordination for our Mass Liberation. #Egypt
RT @AJEnglish: Latest updates from our teams across #Egypt coming to you live now on #AlJazeera: Tune in: http://aje.me/ajelive #mubarak
RT @democracynow: just posted: audio report from Ahmad Shokr in Cairo on day 5 of historic #Egypt protests http://bit.ly/eTIVfW
Genesis 41:33 "And now let Pharaoh look for a discerning and wise man and put him in charge of the land of #Egypt." #Jan25
Clearly #Mubarak needs to Resign ~Exit #Egypt ~His Fascist Ego as he nears 83 may prevent him ~Curfew in a few minutes??????
RT @mohamed: Great pictures from yesterdays protests in Egypt : http://bit.ly/g2nHT2
RT @mohamed: We're live from Cairo - watch it here on @AJEEnglish : http://english.aljazeera.net/watch_now/
VIDEO 2:51 ~Military Prevents Confrontation between Protesters and Police in Cairo: http://bit.ly/feJ6qy
RT @AlArabiya_Eng: Army tells Egyptians to defend themselves from looters: TV: #Jan25 #Cairo #Egypt http://tinyurl.com/72e45x
RT @AP: We're looking for videos and images from #Egypt. Send directly to @AP by uploading here: http://apne.ws/eWhEA6 #Jan25
RT @DailyNewsEgypt: Rumors of fire in Tora prison, gunfire near Maadi for 25 minutes #jan25
RT @AlArabiya_Eng: Algeria sentences six Islamists to death http://www.alarabiya.net/english
VIA @AJEnglish: Estimates say over 50,000 #Egyptians currently in Tahrir Square protesting. Watch LIVE here: http://aje.me/ajelive #cairo
Masses in the Streets again #Egypt ~Headed towards Downtown Cairo ~Demanding Regime Change! http://bit.ly/VGnK
NPR Weekend Edition Saturday ~Full Show: http://n.pr/8rBx3V
@AJEnglish ~Al Jazeera English: Live Stream Watch the Broadcast here #Egypt > http://english.aljazeera.net/watch_now/
RT @heidiko44: Merci mes amis @heartbloomsbt @shamansun @bonniebright5 @Peta_de_Aztlan @oceanshaman @BrokePimpStyles @LoriMoreno @t2van
RT @GuerrillaGsOT: #FF @Knoxville_Mover @omenendez @alenafresquet @MCVNetwerk @princessrozanna @rentonsroom @Peta_de_Aztlan @ShelbyKnox
Protesters back on #Egypt streets: http://bit.ly/eqXcnS
<+>Saturday, January 29, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Rise and Revolt!<+> Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan
@shamansun shamansun
@SchoolroomEarth Truth Seeker
@GaianCollective Planetary Citizens
Bloglink~ http://peta-de-aztlan.blogspot.com/
Twitter Link~ http://twitter.com/Peta_de_Aztlan
Humane Liberation Party Portal
~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/
Posted By Peta_de_Aztlan to @Peta_de_Aztlan Blog at 1/29/2011 11:29:00 PM
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