Sunday, January 07, 2007

CASA Preamble and Meeting Format

Welcome to the Sunday Evening Meeting of CASA ~ ‘The Real Deal’ ~ at the Salvation Army ‘Center of Hope’. My name is =Your Name=. I am a recovering addict and your Group Conductor.

Please join me in a moment of silence followed by the Complete Serenity Prayer:

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardship as the pathway to peace. Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it. Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will; That I may be reasonably happy in this life, and supremely happy with Him forever in the next. Amen!”
~ By Reinhold Neibuhr ~ Websource=

CASA, which means ‘house’ in Spanish, stands for Christians Against Substance Addiction and is a progressive Christian recovery group based upon the original A.A. 12-Steps Program. Our disease is a progressive disease, thus, our recovery should be a progressive recovery.

As Christians Against Substance Addiction, we seek inner serenity, true happiness and the end to suffering from all addictions as we wage spiritual warfare against all evils. We boldly claim Our Creator God as Our Highest Power and are true believers in our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth!

We support all positive self-help recovery groups and programs, such as, NA, CA and DRA, based upon these 12-Steps. We should recognize and support each other in our on-going struggles against the common enemy of chemical substance addiction and not be divided like separate religious denominations. We have a moral obligation to help anyone who suffers from substance addiction and reaches out for help to us and we need real spiritual unity in order to build up our recovery support network.

Our CASA 12-Steps Program is a simple program with a Spiritual Foundation. HOW it works is with Honesty, Openness and Willingness to change.

At our CASA Meetings we have Open Group Discussions about all addictions and related issues. Drug addiction is a huge global social problem that attacks millions of people, hurts our families and threatens future generations. The wasted lives and evils of our addictions impact on all of us and handicaps our humane spiritual development.

We meet together in order to share our experience, strength and hope. Sharing is caring. We should stand up with courage and speak out for our recovery in order to help each other heal!

Our main meeting rule is to respect each other. Pay attention to whoever is speaking and feel free to offer helpful positive suggestions.

Are there any recovery-related announcements?

Read: CASA 12-Steps and related Scriptures.

CASA Check In Process: Name, Poison and Recovery Status

End the meeting with a Prayer Circle and the Lord's Prayer!

Please keep your private side talk outside, avoid cussing and clean up after yourselves!
Join Up! CASA-12-Steps Yahoo Group

# CASA 12-Steps Blog
"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
~~ John 8:32
Update: 1-07-2007
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