Monday, June 04, 2007

Spiritual Recovery Links + Excerpts from Spiritual Recovery Manual


Spiritual Recovery


New Church (

Swedenborg Foundation (

Men's Gathering (

Mankind Project (

John Lee (

The Men's Center (

Warrior Monk (

Omega - Institute for Holistic Studies (

Powerfully Recovered (

New York Open Center (

Anonymous One (
Spiritual Recovery: the missing component of treatment.

Joy2MeU (
Information on codependency, emotional healing, dysfunctional relationships, Spiritual Awakening, inner child healing, alcoholism, fear of intimacy, twelve step recovery, and more.

Spiritual Way (
The purpose of Spiritual Way is to embrace the inner self and to promote recovery and heal relationships.

The Women's Addiction Foundation (
A public foundation committed to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellness of women whose lives have been affected by their misuse of, or dependency on alcohol or other drugs.

Christian Recovery International (
Helping the Christian community to become a safe and helpful place for people recovering from addiction, abuse or trauma.

Generation Sigma (
Generation Sigma is a relational network of college-aged and adult men across the United States who are united by their commitment to pursue masculinity and spirituality.

Hollow Bones (

Refdesk (
Directory of men's issues on the Web.

A Man's Life (
Claims to be the "complete contents of a man's life."

Spiritual Light Journey (
Spiritual Light Journey: spiritual services of counseling, groups/seminars,and informational ezine relating to spirituality, self-help, new thought, and metaphysics.

Redwood Men's Center (
We provide a container in which to heal the wounds that result from our lost connection with Soul and support men in bringing this healing back to their communities.

The Confidence Center (
Harriet Meyerson. How confident are you? Take the Confidence Quiz. Discover the secrets of employee morale and personal confidence. Free resources for HR managers, supervisors, and employees articles, newsletter, morale boosters, useful links, and more.
Conscious & Creative Living (
Robert Gerzon, nationally-known author of "Finding Serenity in the Age of Anxiety," is a holistic psychotherapist, life coach and spiritual mentor who offers highly-effective personal growth, spirituality and relationship resources.
Association of Happiness for All Mankind (
Meditation retreat and spiritual training center for self-inquiry and enlightenment.
Confidence World (
FREE Confidence building exercises, tools and resources for a confident new you
A weekly e-mail magazine for people seeking encouragement and fresh perspectives. Our intent is to inspire through motivational stories, poems and uplifting quotes, while balanced with lighthearted humor, historic wonders, interesting news and helpful tips on relationship skills, health issues, world travel and more.

Spiritual Atlanta (
Atlanta’s first non-denominational eCommunity center. We offer you quick access to spiritual uplift and fellowship in the form of articles, columns, regularly updated web calendar, message board & chat room -- all for free!

Inspiration2Go (
Fill your life with joy, freedom and inspiration. Our series of motivation articles, e-books, newsletter and personal counseling will empower and motivate you to create an abundance of joy, freedom and inspiration in your daily life.

Genesis Consultants, Inc. online store (
A Therapeutic and Educational Center for Women, Men, Couples, and Families. Featuring: If I'd Only Known...Sexual Abuse in or out of the Family: A Guide to Prevention

Mary Bontempo ( )
Reiki, reiki music and meditation cd's, dolphin swims in Key Largo, shamanic study in the Andes of Peru with the Q'eros, Inca Initiations, Holy Family trail & Mary apparition sites plus Goddess energy sites in Egypt, Nile cruises. Mary lives and works in Egypt based out of a bed and breakfast facing the Sphinx.

Executive Coaching Studio ( )
Executive coaching services and consultancy for businesses.

Management Training ( )
Management training courses and development programs for all levels of

Life Coaching Studio ( )
Improve your life coaching business and find more clients here!

Transformational Thinking - Welcome to the Thinking Age! ( )
Improve your life coaching business and find more clients here!

Conquering Stress ( )
Conquer Stress, Depression & Anxiety! Quickly, Permanently, Naturally!

MenStuff (
The most comprehensive website dealing with men's issues on the internet.
Spiritual HQ (
Categorized resource directory for everything spiritual.
Ask Bea and Deb (
Telephone Coaching and Counseling.Take advantage of professional coaching and counseling sessions from the comfort and convenience of your home or office. We can help you figure out the very next steps you can take to move forward in your life.

Conquering Fear (
Sure-fire techniques to help you conquer fear and attract success, prosperity and excitement into your life!
Military Schooling (
Providing comprehensive military resource and information guide to US armed forces.

Teen Boot Camps (
Boot Camping services for troubled teens. Provide information and services to parents who want to place their child in boot camp or boarding school.


For Addicts, Codependents and
Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families

Cover of Spiritual Recovery Manual

Table of Contents


Chapter Excerpts

Recovery Resources

Index (pdf)

Reader Reviews and
the 15 Advanced
Recovery Tools

Ordering Information
(Price, etc.)

Dear Reader:

The Spiritual Recovery Manual will benefit anyone, but it is especially for:

  • those who have faced addiction—of any kind, including alcoholism, drug addiction (including dependence on prescription pain medication), gambling, anger, workaholism, compulsive shopping, smoking, eating disorders, etc.
  • those who have dealt with codependency
  • adult children of alcoholic, abusive or other dysfunctional families.

This book is not a substitute for traditional long-term recovery programs, such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous (you can use it along with them). Nor is it a quick fix. However, traditional recovery methods—such as 12-Step programs, recovery literature, and counseling—while critically important and undeniably necessary, do not, by themselves, always provide the fastest path for complete recovery. Adding the knowledge in The Spiritual Recovery Manual, not only accelerates recovery but allows more advanced stages of recovery to be reached.

The Spiritual Recovery Manual is a comprehensive guide to spiritual awakening. It will give you tools you can use every day to improve your life. You will learn about yoga, meditation, ayurveda, and jyotish. You will learn to balance your body, heal your mind, and develop your consciousness. You will learn to powerfully and completely detoxify your body, adopt a healthy lifestyle, have satisfying relationships, and live your life in bliss. This is not knowledge you will find anywhere else.

Read the book's Introduction for precautions, to get an overview, and to see where the knowledge comes from. Read what others have said. And read the chapter openings. Then buy the book. You will not regret it. If you are not completely satisfied, I will refund your money.

Patrick Gresham Williams

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lighting the way to a better world

Email us with your questions and comments.

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All content copyright © 2002 by Incandescent Press.

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Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Resources: Addiction Mental Health Advanced Recovery Tools
Table of Contents Introduction Index Reviews Ordering Information

Introduction to the Spiritual Recovery Manual


This book offers a yogic approach to recovery. It addresses, from the perspective of consciousness, the specific needs of those who have had any kind of traumatic past or who have been faced with any aspect of addiction. Although this book is written for the individual, it also aims to advance the recovery field itself. It presents a simple framework within which the diverse theories of human development -- including the theories of addiction, codependence, and the adult child -- can be understood. Such a framework is called a paradigm. Those familiar with the philosophy of science will be aware of the work of Thomas Kuhn, who said that major advances in science require new paradigms.

A complete paradigm for recovery must include consciousness -- the most basic awareness of our existence. It is obvious that any discipline is incomplete until it connects to consciousness: if we, the perceiver, are left out of the picture, how real and practical is that science? The consciousness-based recovery paradigm presented in this book allows us to understand why some treatments are effective while others are not, and to compare methods and see what is most useful.


The goal of this book is to build a bridge from addiction to enlightenment, thus keeping us out of the river of suffering. We start by reviewing the popular literature on addiction; thereby we construct a solid foundation of knowledge on the shore we are familiar with. This is the first chapter. Then we jump to the other side of the river and discuss a theory of the complete personality -- introducing, in a straightforward way, the knowledge of enlightenment. This builds a foundation of knowledge on the distant shore. These are the first two chapters. They provide a larger context within which we can go more meaningfully into the details of recovery.

A recovery program that includes consciousness must be a bridge that spans from the darkness of addiction all the way to the furthest shore of enlightenment. We build this bridge in chapter 3. In chapter 4, we explain that the bridge has firm foundations (is based on ancient wisdom). Two chapters later, in chapter 6, we establish that it is solidly constructed (documented by research). The remaining chapters describe how to walk the bridge. In chapters 5, 7, 8, and 9, we introduce various advanced recovery techniques; we walk our talk right across the bridge. In chapter 10, we consider the possibility of getting everyone -- the whole of society, all at once -- to the shore of enlightenment. In chapter 11, we cover the remaining points -- bliss, behavior, and enlightenment -- necessary for total recovery. Finally, in chapter 12, we list resources available to help you master the knowledge. We also review common mental health problems that tend to go along with an addictive background.

To some, the style of this book may seem unusual; this is not your typical self-help book. It is a book of knowledge, almost a textbook, in which I offer you -- through a well thought-out systematic teaching -- the benefit of my study and experience over the past twenty-five years. I have worked hard to make the concepts straightforward and clear, but haven't held back important information or made explanations simplistic.

Because each chapter builds on the preceding chapters, it is best to read the book sequentially. Take your time; a chapter a day is a good pace. A second reading will pull all the concepts together.


The premises of this book are simple: our life gets better when we re-establish wholeness of awareness; society's problems decrease when we remove stress from the collective consciousness. These ideas come from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Vedic Science. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is perhaps the world's foremost educator of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. He is well known as the founder of the Transcendental Meditation program. Maharishi's Vedic Science offers complete knowledge. In this book, we focus on several different aspects of vedic science. We will look, for example, at ayurveda -- the science of life -- which specializes in solutions to physical and behavioral problems. It is important to point out that vedic science -- including ayurveda, yoga, and all its other disciplines -- is not specific to any group. It applies to all people in all cultures and at all times. The purpose of this book, however, is to make clear how vedic science is relevant to one sector of society -- those in recovery. That may not leave out many people.


This book is not a first line of defense against self-destructive behavior. If your addiction is life-threatening (such as alcoholism or any other chemical dependency), or if you are hurting or being hurt by other people (for example, by physical abuse, or gambling away the family's money) then you need individual professional counseling before you read any further. Join a self-help group -- such as those that use the Twelve Steps -- for the knowledge and, especially, the support you will receive. Few people find recovery easy; most need encouragement from understanding friends to keep them going. After you have joined a support group and have started counseling, then pick up this book again and continue reading.

When you finish this book, you will own the deepest essence of knowledge. You will have a more profound and accurate understanding of the mind than most Ph.D.s in psychology; a more useful and powerful understanding of the workings of society than almost any sociologist or politician; a more practical understanding of the body than a medical doctor who went to Harvard; and a clearer understanding of Reality than even the greatest of Western philosophers. You will, in short, be in an excellent position to help yourself to a very fulfilling life.

GO TO CHAPTER ONE (excerpt: the first couple pages)

Chapter 1


Here we cover the basic concepts found in recovery literature. Among other terms, we explain addiction, co-dependence, and adult child. If this is familiar territory, skip ahead to chapter 2.

This chapter gives a glimpse of the contemporary understanding of dysfunction, as expressed in the popular literature. It is possible to recover without any knowledge of addiction or codependence or any other aspect of dysfunction, but it helps to know your path. In a society that glorifies addiction and subtly and incessantly pushes us toward it, almost everyone is going to cross a section of the path that is addictive. Even if you are free of addiction, it helps to understand it because you are surrounded by it -- we do, indeed, live in an addictive society. Addiction could be greatly reduced if we all had some knowledge of the problem and were aware of practical techniques for human development.


Addiction almost never exists by itself. Addicts are usually part of an addictive system. Consider the system in which a smoker is enmeshed. In addition to other smokers, it consists of retailers, cigarette manufacturers, lobbyists, tobacco farmers, the media, educators, the medical profession, and the government. It is a system that perpetuates itself because of the silent collusion of all involved. Research has shown -- to take one example -- that a large number of patients quit smoking immediately, and permanently, if their doctor intervenes by simply and directly telling them to quit. But doctors, like everyone else, are a part of the system, and it doesn't occur to them to address the issue. Consider another example from the field of medicine: doctors are often too busy to follow up on patients for whom they have prescribed painkillers or tranquilizers. They are too busy because they are churning patients in and out of their offices to maximize profits. They are also too busy to look for the deeper causes of the physical and mental pain. As a result, many patients end up addicts.

Addictive systems can be big or small. Let's go into detail with a smaller system, the family. Right now, the purpose isn't for you to become an expert, but to get a feeling for the dynamics involved. To start with, we will consider the classic example of an addictive system: the alcoholic family. We will conveniently consider an archetypal situation, and then expand on that.

The history of such a system unfolds like a play. One person -- we will let it be the husband -- is an addict. He is an alcoholic. Being an alcoholic is a difficult job. In fact, it is almost impossible without the help of spouse, boss, co-workers, employees, parents, children, and probably many others. Therefore, for the play that we call The Addictive Drama, we need supporting actors and actresses. Let's introduce the wife. She is always nominated for best supporting actress, but never gets the award. Her role is to enable. That literally means she enables the alcoholic to continue drinking. She will protest all the time that she is trying to stop him, and that may very well be the case, but she is rarely effective enough to succeed, and she never walks off the stage before the final curtain. The name of her role is codependent.

Next, we introduce the children of the alcoholic and the codependent. Children growing up in an alcoholic family don't have a stable and loving environment. They learn to lie to protect the family image. This is the beginning of denial. Denial, in addictions theory, refers to an individual or a group of people who unconsciously, yet systematically and consistently, do not allow anyone, including themselves, to become consciously aware that there is a problem. (It is said that denial lies at the heart of addiction. Once denial is uncovered and faced, you are on the road to recovery. This is because you cannot solve a problem that you believe doesn't exist.)

The children in an alcoholic family learn to suppress their needs and desires to the point where, as adults, they don't know what their needs are, let alone how to fulfill them. In an alcoholic home, the reality is painful. A child has to hide from this reality to survive. She (or he) cannot face the daily humiliation, shame, anger, uncertainty, and worst of all, the bitter disappointment and abandonment. So she severs the connection between herself and the environment. She learns to withdraw, to not feel, to deny. If she desperately needs something, she learns it is not safe to ask directly. So she acts out her needs. She does something to draw attention to her neediness. Indirectly, somehow, she gets some part of her needs met. Acting out is anything we do to try indirectly and inappropriately to get our needs met. Addiction itself can be a form of acting out.

These attributes of adult children -- denial, acting out, emotional turmoil, suppression of true desires, a tendency toward addiction -- are carried over with full force into adult life. When the children of an alcoholic family grow up, they are called adult children of alcoholics (ACOA or ACA) or just adult children. Adult children are emotional children in adult bodies...


Chapter 2


In this chapter, we explore the modern frontier of human development -- enlightenment. We focus on the concept of "self-referral," completing the background knowledge needed to understand addiction.

Addiction involves all levels of our individuality -- behavior, body, mind, and the deepest aspect of our personality, the Self. A simple, clear, and accurate understanding of how the mind and body work makes recovery much easier. Without it, a huge effort is required. Often we move out of one addiction and into another. If we are hooked strongly enough, we may only teeter on the brink of sobriety. Alcoholics are usually told they will be in recovery for life. This caution serves a vital purpose; but spending your whole life in recovery isn't necessary for everyone. This is the result of ignorance of the laws of nature governing human development. If we can send a man to the moon, we can create programs for complete recovery. Let's see how this is possible.


The Body

The body never stops balancing itself. Our physiology has complex systems designed to provide stable frames of reference. Biologists call this homeostasis. For example, when we exercise, the body refers to an internal frame of reference (a kind of built-in thermometer) and senses it is too hot; it then puts into effect various strategies to cool off. This is self-referral on a macroscopic level.

On the microscopic level, our DNA has its own feedback loop, whereby it verifies its integrity and repairs itself when necessary. Many factors, such as harmful radiation from sunlight, can distort the sequence of DNA. This is potentially lethal because DNA is the body's blueprint. Therefore, the body has to have a built-in means of checking its structure and repairing itself. This checking and repairing is a self-referral process.

Self-referral describes any process whereby a system dynamically interacts with itself to maintain its existence, balance, and progress.

We could describe many levels of self-referral. These are represented by loops A through E in Figure 2.1. {SEE WEBSOURCE}

Loop A might be the self-repair of DNA, loop D the body's maintenance of stable temperature. The loops represent dynamic connections: some include consciously thinking or deciding, some do not. Addiction involves distortions in the body's self-referral mechanisms.

The Environment

Now, let's extend our example of self-referral to include the environment...


Chapter 3

From Addiction to Enlightenment

In the first chapter, we discussed the terms addiction, codependence, and adult child. Now we fit these terms into the framework of self-referral introduced in the previous chapter.

The true goal of all successful therapies is to restore self-referral on as deep a level as the person is capable of at that time. Better therapies restore self-referral faster and get closer to the Self, but every successful therapy restores self-referral. The Twelve Steps do it. Skills training, journaling, grief work, dream work, breath work, body work, focusing, affirmations, visualization, naming your feelings and feeling your feelings -- whatever is useful in recovery -- move us in the direction of increasing self-referral. Take something as simple as gratitude. If you feel genuinely and reverently grateful for anything-even something seemingly inconsequential-you take your awareness down to the finest level of feeling. You increase your degree of self-referral.


To make what we have said in the first two chapters more concrete, let's relate it to familiar recovery concepts -- traditional approaches that have little (at first glance) to do with the theories of consciousness in this book. We will start with grief work.

Grief Work

This is also called original pain work. It is a therapy tool suggested by Alice Miller and made popular by, among others, John Bradshaw. It typically applies to adult children -- those who grew up in an environment, such as an alcoholic family, that caused childhood development to freeze due to extreme stress. Through grief work, adult children get in touch with deep, hidden levels of emotional pain. By experiencing it, they free themselves from the negative emotions frozen inside the mind and body.

Grief work gets its name, by analogy, from the natural process of grieving that occurs after a traumatic event. For example, when someone close to us dies, there is a period in which the loss is mourned. During this time our psychology reorganizes, allowing us to adapt and move on in our life. Those who grew up in a dysfunctional family are blocked from this kind of adjustment. As a result of family rules such as "don't feel" and "don't talk," they have not been able to mourn the trauma and losses of their childhood. Consequently, the dysfunctional individual's psychology never adjusts to the realities of adult life. Their self-referral diagram is shown in Figure 3.1.

Adult children have difficulty feeling their emotions unless they are acting in crisis mode. But jumping directly to the level of feelings is not self-referral. The intellect, the body, and the true realities of the environment are ignored.

Grief work is successful because it restores self-referral. It is a limited self-referral, but it is a significant step in the right direction. Acknowledging the pain of the past, and feeling it, activates the feeling level. Because an accepting, come-what-may attitude is adopted, naturalness replaces inner struggle. If a person is more natural, they have more self-referral. After the healing process, the new diagram looks like this:

{See Websource}

The solid arrow goes down to the level of the feelings, and a little past, because the ego level is also affected. Hopefully the person slipped a few times into the experience of the Self. So we draw a dotted line down to the Self. We now have the diagram we saw a few pages ago, the one for a self-actualizer. Later we will look at ways to go beyond self-actualization to enlightenment...


{Continue to Click Links above for more excerpts or perhaps... buy the book!
What a concept! ~PSL

Spiritual Recovery from Alcoholism and Drug Addiction
Spiritual Drug Rehab Center for Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

At New Hope Recovery Center, we strive to create an environment that fosters spiritual growth. We have no religious affiliation, and we offer provide lectures on the distinction between spirituality and religion. We maintain a safe space for all of our patients, allowing for peace of mind and soul.

The Role of Spirituality in Alcohol and Drug Treatment, Rehabilitation and Recovery.

Spirituality is often mentioned within the context of drug and alcohol addiction treatment. Addiction puts an intense strain on the self, stripping away an individual’s inner peace as well as his or her interpersonal relationships. The internal struggle that accompanies addictive disorders prevents individuals from forming external relationships. Despair, hopelessness and guilt can lead to isolation and destructiveness, rather than community and fulfillment. At New Hope, we support fellowship among recovering peers through twelve step meetings and supportive groups. In order to allow for change, addicts and alcoholics ultimately get most benefit from the mutual support of one another and /or a spiritual higher power.

As the medical advances in the field of addiction continue to grow, we feel it is equally important to understand the value of spirituality within the recovery process. Recent longitudinal studies have once again shown that attendance at Alcoholics Anonymous meetings decreases the likelihood of relapse and increases the likelihood of sustained abstinence. In this study, 120 patients were interviewed six months after completing a treatment program. Those patients who attended AA frequently had better outcomes when compared to those who attended rarely or not at all. Those who attended meetings had more abstinent days and greater reduction in alcohol consumption. (Gossop, M. et al, 2003).

While the findings are hardly surprising or new, the medical field is just beginning to recognize the significance in them. At New Hope, we emphasize spiritual development alongside psychological and physical wellbeing. If patients are exposed to AA meetings and permitted to explore their faith of origin throughout treatment, they are more likely to apply those principles and use those resources after completing alcohol and drug treatment.

We keep in mind that we “cannot always solve a spiritual problem with a pharmacological solution." Even if a magical pill were developed to cure addiction, patients would still have to make the choice to take it (William, B., 2002).

The Impact of Stigma

The Community Anti-Drug Coalition of America (CADCA) recently released survey results which show that 63% of Americans view alcoholism as a "moral weakness." (, 9/29/05). 74% of Americans feel affected by someone's alcoholism and about 40% have encouraged loved ones to seek help for alcoholism. The study also looked at the public's receptiveness to pharmaceutical treatment for alcoholism, and about 89% of the group said they would support medication prescribed for alcoholism. Education seems to be the most valuable tool in this situation, and CADCA works to educate Americans on the disease of addiction.

Check them out at As long as addiction and alcoholism are kept hidden by individuals and families due to shame, it will be difficult to ensure treatment for those that really need it.

Learn How to Tap Into Money and People Power at CADCA's Mid-Year

Implementing a comprehensive drug prevention strategy that achieves long-term results requires not only money and expertise, but also manpower. However, finding these resources—whether it's corporate donations or volunteers—is no easy task. That's where CADCA's Mid-Year Training Institute comes in.

Held July 30-Aug. 2, 2007 in Tucson , Ariz. , CADCA's Mid-Year Training Institute will offer three sets of in-depth workshops focused on resource development. The workshops, led by community development and fundraising experts Campaign Consultations, will teach coalitions how to tap into their community's financial and people wealth.

Resource Development sessions will be divided into three sets of workshops. Each set will include three workshops and practice clinics:

Individual Giving

To Raise Money, Raise People

Developing Major Donors

Wealth Transfer and the Impact on Charitable Giving

PRACTICE CLINIC—Writing for $$$: Individual Appeal Letters

Corporate Donors/Partnerships

Inside the Corner Office & The Corner Store

The Value of Your Program's Brand

Cause Related Marketing and “Corporate Partnerships”

PRACTICE CLINIC—Writing for $$$: Foundation & Corporate Proposals

Uncovering the Resources in Your Community

Fundraising Resources for Special Programs

Finding Money in Your Community

Revenue Generation—Finding a Program Fit

PRACTICE CLINIC—Articulating for $$$: Face-to-Face Solicitation

Course descriptions of all workshops at CADCA's Mid-Year Training Institute are available at .

Additional Questions: For further information on the Mid-Year Training Institute, please refer to the preliminary program or our website, contact Larry Dilworth, CADCA's Vice President for Development & Events, 703-706-0560 ext. 258 or e-mail or Diana Carmenates, Director of Meetings and Special Events, 703-706-0560, ext. 231, e-mail

Thank you to our sponsors:

CSAP works with States and communities to develop comprehensive prevention systems that create healthy communities in which people enjoy a quality life.

The role of prevention is to create healthy communities in which people have a quality of life:

  • Healthy environments at work and in school
    Supportive communities and neighborhoods
    Connections with families and friends
    Drug and crime-free

  • DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP)

    NIDA's mission is to lead the Nation in bringing the power of science to bear on drug abuse and addiction.

    This charge has two critical components. The first is the strategic support and conduct of research across a broad range of disciplines. The second is ensuring the rapid and effective dissemination and use of the results of that research to significantly improve prevention, treatment and policy as it relates to drug abuse and addiction.

    National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

    Phamatech was founded in 1991 by a small group of dedicated scientists and business executives. Combining clinical experience, technical expertise and sound business strategies, the company has grown steadily over the years to become a major provider of rapid medical diagnostic devices for home healthcare and clinical settings worldwide. Relying on sophisticated, state-of-the-art technologies, Phamatech has successfully developed easy-to-use test devices that provide valuable, reliable, medical information at truly affordable prices. Phamatech is committed to manufacturing products and providing services that enhance our customer's medical care, health awareness and quality of life by aiding in the early diagnosis of medical conditions in a cost-effective manner.

    Phamatech, Inc.

    The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism is the primary U.S. agency for conducting and supporting research on the causes, consequences, prevention, and treatment of alcohol abuse, alcoholism, and alcohol problems and disseminates research findings to general, professional, and academic audiences.

    National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)

    Juveniles in crisis-from serious, violent, and chronic offenders to victims of abuse and neglect-pose a challenge to the nation. Charged by Congress to meet this challenge, OJJDP collaborates with professionals from diverse disciplines to improve juvenile justice policies and practices.

    OJJDP, a component of the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, accomplishes its mission by supporting states, local communities, and tribal jurisdictions in their efforts to develop and implement effective programs for juveniles. The Office strives to strengthen the juvenile justice system's efforts to protect public safety, hold offenders accountable, and provide services that address the needs of youth and their families.

    Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP)

    For information on becoming a sponsor, please contact Diana Carmenates, Director, Meetings & Special Events, or 703.706.0560, ext. 231.

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